
May 11, 2012

What I Want For Mother's Day? Not What You Think

I've been thinking (fantasizing) for a while about what I want for Mother's Day. Sadly, since we homeschool, my kids won't be coming home with any adorable hand print cards or flower shaped coupon books. Not Blessed Dad usually doesn't drop the ball, but he's a dude. Sunday morning he'll go get me some flowers from the grocery store, or ask me what I want to do. I remember one year he went into the playroom to clean it, and came out after about 5 minutes- looking bewildered and frightened. He tries (usually), but you know- he's a dude.

Of course, I want all the normal things moms want for Mother's Day. A tricked out mini-van, a clean house, flowers and candy and a meal I don't have to cook. I want all of those things too. But I realized there were other things I wanted more....

I don't want to make any macaroni and cheese. I don't want to wipe popsicle off the floor. I don't want to referee any fights. I don't want to say any of these phrases: Speak nicely, be kind, touch nicely, no hitting, please share, be gentle, or let me help you. I don't want to do any laundry, get anyone clean underwear, or find any missing flip flops. I don't want to brush anyone's hair. I don't want to hear "Moooooooooooooommmmmmm" five million times. I don't want anyone to treat my gut like a bounce house.

I guess it all boils down to what I want most of all. For Mother's Day, I DON'T WANT TO BE A MOM.

Hold on, hold on. Don't get me wrong. My kids are the sun, moon and stars to me. They're my life, and that's the way I like it. I treasure them- but god dammit, I just need to get away from them. I need to be me for a little while. I need quiet, I need peace, I need to be treated like an adult. I want to do what I want to do- and I don't even know what that is, but it's definitely not watching My Little Pony or pushing someone on a swing for a gazillion hours. Just for a day.

So children, I love you more than anything. But please, for Mother's Day- GTFO. 

Am I a horrible mom for thinking this? What do YOU want for Mother's Day?


  1. Any honest mom will tell you that being left alone for one day is priceless. Why not make it mother's day? Seems as good a gift as any.

  2. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. :)

    1. Well then I'm gonna be SO FOND of my kids after I get the hell away from them!

  3. I love, love, love my children to the moon and back. But, yeah, sometimes they just need to go away. Nothing wrong with that. LOL

  4. I want the same thing! My DH and I have a deal: on Mother's Day I don't have to do any of the "work" that comes with being a parent and I give him the same on Father's Day. Our twin boys are 2, so there's still a lot of "work" to do with them. On our days we get to enjoy the hugs, the kisses, reading books, etc. but none of the meal time horrors, poopy diapers, tantrums, etc. that come with 2 y/olds.

    1. I wonder if that could work in my house.... my husband is so clueless, he's just ask me every 5 seconds- Where's the clean socks? How much milk in the mac n cheese? Where's the tylenol? He's clueless for a grown man.

  5. I often wondered what people who weren't divorced DID with their kids every other weekend. Sad but true. We all need a break! Happy Mother's Day.

  6. Ive often said a spate in Prison would do me the world of good. Peace and quiet to lie on a bed and read books all day. Three cooked meals. Access to TV and world class gyms ( though admittedly this is not on my high list of priorites )

    1. Jail does seem rather appealing compared to Motherhood...

  7. Ok, that is IT! Next year, we make our desires known and we run away for mother's day weekend! Vegas, BABY!

  8. Nope not a horrible mom. I would take it a step further and include their father in that GTFO. :) I love them all I do...and today I want to love them from a distance. lol.

    1. ABSOLUTELY, Not Blessed Dad was totally included. I just figured it went without saying.

  9. Not horrible at all! I can completely relate. A day of just puttering around the house in silence seems pretty sweet to me. Will I get it? hahahahahahaha!! I hope you get what you wish for this Mother's Day.

    1. I'm pretty sure karma kicked me right in the ass because of this post. I spent the day at home, being sick with sick kids, until I had to take my daughter to the ER.

  10. I know just what you mean. Come up to Vegas and we will celebrate Mother's Day by spending the day at one of those fancy spas in one of the big Strip hotels. If you think I am joking, please be assured that I am dead serious!

  11. Hahaha I'm a little late to the party, but I completely agree for mothers day just leave me alone! Don't clean the house (i'll have to re-do it) Side Note: Shouldn't I ALWAYS be getting help in that department? Take the kids and GTFO well said. :)

    1. Karen, I'm thrilled when anyone reads anything I've written. :) And yes, we should be getting that household help on more than one day a year!


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