
May 4, 2012

But They Look So Normal... (Or, Homeschooling)

While at the dentist the other day, the hygienist asked Spawn#2 if her brothers were at school. *Insert pregnant pause where Spawn#2 looks at me for guidance in how to answer.* "We homeschool," I smoothly replied.

Double take. That second look where the hygienist tries to see how she could miss that we were some of those weird homeschoolers. The kid looks normal! We're wearing jeans and flip flops. No crosses in sight. She just can't believe her eyes.

I gotta tell you, I don't think I'll ever quit loving that moment. That moment when we reveal our dirty little secret to someone, and watch them think- BUT THEY LOOK SO NORMAL!

And yup, we are... uh, normal. Well, our weirdness doesn't come from homeschooling. But I digress.

Your friendly neighborhood Not Blessed Mama is here to break it down for you. Want to know about crazy homeschoolers? I'm here for you. Here are some questions I've been asked recently:

1. Are all of your kids friends homeschoolers too? Not all, but a lot. We like to do stuff during the week, during the day. Everything's less crowded and more awesome.

2. What do you do for school? Some people like to do a "classroom at home" approach. Some people unschool and never do any workbooks at all. We're in the middle. We belong to a charter to get funds for supplies and classes, and we're supervised by a teacher. But I chose what to teach, when and how.

3. What do you do for a living? THIS. This is my job- I've stayed home since Spawn#3 was born 11 years ago. A post on how to afford staying home is coming up in the near future (read: how to be broke all the time).

4. How do you manage being with the kids all the time? Sometimes, I don't. Yesterday I locked myself in the bathroom and pretended to poop so I could have quiet for 5 minutes. I sat and read a book on the toilet until I could manage to look at the kids again.

5. Why do you homeschool? Do your kids have special needs? I've gotta admit, this one threw me for a loop. I homeschool for many reasons- so many, it would be hard to list. But my kids are just normal ol' kids, and I decided that homeschooling would be the best choice for us.

6. Do you homeschool to keep your kids sheltered? Uh, my kids have been around the block. No sheltering going on here. Spawn#3 was able to spell ass when he was 3 years old. (He's special.)

And there you have it! I hope that gives you a little bit more insight into the confusing, murky world of homeschooling. If you have more questions, leave them in the comments below. I'd be happy to answer in the least sarcastic way possible.

Some paper we made for a presentation. Whee, learning is fun!

Hey, want to read more homeschooling propaganda? Check out my friend's new blog- The Homeschooling Atheist!


  1. What about fangs? I heard homeschools have sharp fangs???? lmao

    - LBJ

    1. Yes, that is true! They also have sharp talons (who will get that movie reference?).


    Oh, and are you going to get them into those national spelling bees?


    1. LOL! I totally forgot about the spelling bees!
      And I mentioned socialization in my last homeschooling post, so thought I could skip it. I should have known better. DUH- socialization.

  3. #4 is so true, thank you for being honest about it! I read blogs or talk to other moms who are all "it's sunshine and roses, and I just LOVE being with my kids every second of the day". Seriously some days I wonder why we don't eat our own young. lol.

    1. The other day someone on Twitter mentioned animals eating their own young- and how understandable it was. I totally agree!

  4. I guess it's kinda hard for me to believe people react this way. Your kids are lucky to have you there for them. And if by the end of the day, you are so weary from being mom AND teacher, you feel you need a glass of wine-I say go ahead and have a glass or two........bottles!

    1. The polite people respond with the double take- the jerks make the rude remarks/questions without trying to be nice about it.
      And wine sounds pretty darn good right about now!

  5. oh you know you sit around and read about Jesus all day and invent ways to save people. admit it.

    i think you and your kids are amazing.

    1. I think YOU are amazing and I am still waiting for you to come be my best friend.

    2. I homeschool and I am Catholic, but I don't sit around and read about Jesus all day and invent ways to save people. I do, however, bake a lot of crucifix shaped cookies. Its my gimmick. :)

  6. Tell the truth. Spawn #3 could spell ass at three because you constantly read him the bible. . .

    1. WHO TOLD YOU?

      P.s. I hate it when my readers/likers are funnier than me. It's so humiliating.

  7. OMG you HOME SCHOOL??????????????? Home? School? Like garlic? Bread? Garlic bread? home school?
    This does not compute because a) I am English and b) I WORK in a school B1) I wish a LOT of our parents homeschooled. Le sigh

    and c) I am only jealous!!!

  8. I am really lucky that so far no one has gotten weird on me when I say we homeschool. Everyone just sort of smiles and nods, and that's it! I am a little disappointed actually. I WANT SOME DRAMA!

  9. i don't have any personal experience with homeschooling or homeschoolers but i wouldn't for the life of me think of them as WEIRD. people suck. plain and simple. good for you for doing what you think is right for your family. :)


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