
August 3, 2011

I'm Comin' Out- World Breastfeeding Week

I have been thinking about "The Breastfeeding Post" for a while now. I knew it had to come, sooner or later. I've been hesitant- breastfeeding isn't something I discuss much. I don't like being judged by the Judgey McJudgersons out there, and I don't like receiving hate mail either (from this ill-fated post). So I've decided to just be quiet about my milk-making. Enjoy it and not talk about it, so I don't have people trying to send me on Dr. Phil for it. I hate Dr. Phil, by the way. But that's beside the point. (Although worth mentioning, I feel.)

I am Not Blessed Mama, and I have been proudly making milk for the last ten years.

Yup, you read that right- ten damn years. It all started with Spawn#1 back in April 2001. He was a great nurser- I feel so lucky to have had him give me a good start. And then I just kept going and going, like a lactating Energizer bunny. I've nursed through two pregnancies and tandem nursed after each of them. I've nursed in virtually every conceivable position and situation. On a train, on a plane, on a boat, on a goat. Well, not really on a goat- but you get it.

All of my kids have been 4 years old when they've stopped nursing. Yup, you read that right as well- over 4 years old. Sadly, my kids nursing careers didn't come with an expiration date, so we just quit when we were done. I know a lot of society doesn't get it, and they judge. And I hate those Judgey McJudgersons more than even Dr. Phil. Because something so beautiful, natural, wonderful and kick ass should not be judged. All mothers make the best choices for their own kids, and should never be judged because of it. Just as I would never judge a mother for formula feeding, I expect the same respect.

I'm coming to the end of my nursing career. Spawn#3 is nearing 4 and a half, and that's quittin' time for me. Sometimes I wonder what my life will be like when the milk is gone- how can I possibly be the same person? Heaven knows these old girls need a rest, but still. It's hard to imagine. Breastfeeding has been such an important part of our lives, it's gonna be hard to see it go.

In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, I would like to send my love out to all the breastfeeding moms out there.You are beautiful, awesome, wonderful women doing the best that you can for your babes. You deserve recognition! I wish I could give you something (Look under your chair! You get a car! And you get a car! Just kidding, you probably only have dustbunnies)- but all I can offer is my admiration, respect and support. Whether you nursed for 2 years, 2 months or 2 minutes, I salute you.


  1. Good for you! Mine quit on her own at 23 months--didn't like the taste after I got pregnant. It was so sad for me. Fortunately I've got one on the way.

  2. Hey...if anyone can breastfeed for any amount of time...KUDOS to them! And to you...TANDEM NURSING??? I cannot imagine. Probably because both of my children weaned themselves at 12 months. That is definitely a wonderful thing to be able to do and you also need to be sooo dedicated. Congrats on being able to!! And yes, I too am a die hard breastfeeder. :) Love it...there is nothing like it!! :)

  3. My daughter is four and two months and still breastfeeds once or twice. Althought it's not as much as she used to but she uses it for comfort and I would feel rather lousy if I took it away from her when she still wants that comfort.

  4. Oh, thank you for the support ladies. I was so anxious posting this! Not even all of my family knows how much we nurse. Your kids words are definitely being taken to heart!

  5. You're amazing!! Congrats on 10 years! <3

  6. Amazing !!! I dont have anyone around me who breastfed or is supportive (well they say they are but still get the odd comment ) Its just my own values that has kept me going and i counted the other day for the first time and im on my 94th month of breastfeeding lol We all deserve a medal lol

  7. Breastfeeding is a topic close to my heart. (no pun intended) Probably because I struggled so much with my first and gave up and gave in to formula. My 2nd bfed until he was about 16 months. My 3rd is now 13 1/2 months and show no signs of stopping anytime soon! I am right there with you in supporting all mothers in their personal decisions. I was there when the pooh hit the spinnin' blades and totally get why you were a bit anxious to post this. I applaud you for hitting the publish button. Some people go too far in pushing their views and run over others in the process. Others just don't pause and think before they submit their comments. Either way, words are much more potent that sticks and stones at times and the scars they leave can be just as permanent. You go Mama! Congrats on hitting the 10 year mark. You are an awesome Mama. Ignore those who imply otherwise. ;0)

  8. Well you know I think its awesome, I'd like to think I contributed in some small part to your nursing education/enthusiasm with my babe when I was pregnant and discussed how immportant it was too me - you go momma!!

    - LBj

  9. I used to be all "babies should only nurse for a year" then I had my own! Now I'm like "she will stop when she wants to!" We're 9 months strong!

  10. I am so jealous! My oldest was weaned at 14 months because the in-laws were creeped out by it and I didn't have a backbone to stand up to everyone's snotty remarks. I've struggled to keep a good supply every baby since, but have soaked in every beautiful moment of each one nursing. My 7 month old will be allowed to nurse as long as he wants, because I assume he will be done by school :)

  11. I love this! And I love you! I am not going to lie, I miss nursing sometimes. Especially when the frog princess isn't feeling well. I get the urge to pull out a boob and calm her down! lol

    You've done good mama! And, I'd go on Dr. Phil with you and give anyone who asks a piece of my mind (and perhaps a peek at the nipple to shut them up! ;-) ).

  12. I am still nursing my son and he is almost 2 1/2. My goal was at least a year. And at 12 months I pushed it to 2 years. I am happy to nurse my child as long as we want. I don't know if we will be nursing at 3 or 4 but it is fine if we do. And tandem nursing? No clue yet but we roll with the punches and make things work. :-) Way to go for giving the best to your children!

  13. That's lovely. You will never be the same. And you are better for having use your "girls" for something good. Now go rest mama!

  14. These comments are all so supportive I feel that I should judge you just to mix things up a bit. I should be all like, "omg, you nursed for that long?" But I can't. 'Cause I am a BFing mom too and I nursed to a year and a half for each of my babes. I wish I could be the salt of your comments section, really I do. But oh well... next time? ;)

  15. Ladies, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your wonderful comments and support. You're amazing!

  16. Love it! Congrats to you mama. I have been pregnant or nursing for over four years myself and it has been SO worth it!


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