
October 13, 2010

Goings On

There has been a lot going on over here at Not Blessed Mama lately. You know, Hollywood producers calling wanting to know my life story, Juicy Couture sending me free purses, getting invited to movie premieres. It's been amazing! Well, that was a slight exaggeration. But there has been a lot going on here. It's been fun and rewarding watching my little blog grow, and getting involved in some really cool projects.

Firstly, I got my first anonymous hate mail over my pro-breastfeeding post. I knew it would happen one day- I knew someone wouldn't like what I was writing. But I honestly didn't expect the meanness and spitefulness of the personal attacks. It's why I turned on comment moderation- it almost made me quit blogging (the horror!). I decided to keep chugging along though, writing my little bits of insanity for the internets. 

Secondly, I got my first product to review- the BrytonPick Flosser.

And the reason I am only writing this little blurb about it instead of reviewing it is that- it sucks. It's a little plastic stick with a metal tip you stick between your teeth to floss. Who wants to be sticking metal up into their gums??? My husband and I cracked up when we saw this. The package warns you to be careful and not cut your lip with it. And I couldn't even get it between my teeth. Sorry Bryton, this one's a fail. 

Thirdly, I have joined a really cool website of women supporting each other in their blogging endeavors- The SITS Girls. You probably all know about them, since I am last in line about everything- but if you are not familiar with them, go check them out. And a shout out to my fellow SITStahs!

And finally- you may remember me shamelessly begging you for votes a few months back in a writing contest I entered, if you are a loyal reader (I love you, loyal readers!). Well the lovely Suzy over at Hip Mountain Mama sent out a call to her customers to form a Sisterhood of like minded women who would love to talk about the items they have purchased from her awesome family owned business. And I guess she needed a little bit of snarky to go with all that green-ness, so she chose Not Blessed Mama. I'll be posting a review of a skirt I recently bought, and I'm pretty sure it's going to be my gateway to plus-size modeling. Or, there will be pictures.

SO that is all the exciting, fun, craziness that is going on with Not Blessed Mama. I'd like to thank you again, my dear mama friends, for reading. I'm loving this wild ride we're on together, and I love hearing from you as well!


  1. SITS is awesome and I love our Oink Tribe!

    I sent you a message via the forum. I would love to try to make you a button! Email me if you are interested!

  2. Didn't your hate mail sender read your comment line? "If you're happy and you know it..."

    Obviously if someone can't read simple instructions, they don't need to be leaving comments. *wink*

    I LOVE that your product review is that it sucked! Ha! Yes, putting metal in a flosser and then having to warn against cutting yourself probably means you should rethink the product. Well, at least we know when you say you review something honestly - you do!

  3. Funniest product review ever! I'll bet they won't send anything else your way :) ...and if they do, it wont suck.

    You're funny NBM...I'm pretty sure I like you :)

  4. You were given something to review? Wow! Go you! :0) Loved it. As usual. <3

  5. Looks like that product goes in line with the sharded glass commercials :)

    - LBJ

  6. I sent you a guest post! Let me know if you got it!

  7. Thank you ladies!
    Kidlit, what can I say? I'm moving up in the blog world. ;)
    Kimberly, maybe because we have the same name?! I'll be honest, I chickened out and didnt send them this link! Poor Bryton. I felt bad for them.
    Sunshine, I think you are onto something. If someone lacks basic reading skills, they should be banned from the internets!
    LBJ, what commercial are you referring to!


If you're happy and you know it, leave a comment.