
June 8, 2011

Wordless Wednesday And A Few Words- And A Blogaversary Winner

Have you heard of Shaun the Sheep? Well, this is Spawn#3 doing his best impression. RIP, pillow.

And, onto my Blogaversary iTunes giveaway! Thank you so much to all who entered. I cherish each and every one of my readers. When I am rich and famous, I promise to send you all iTunes cards! Or to at least remember you fondly. Or to completely forget about you as I relax on the beach in Aruba. 
And without further ado....
The winner is comment number 5, which happens to have come from one of my favorite bloggy friends, Sunshine SAHM! Congrats! Don't spend it all in one place. Oh wait, you'd better, actually.
Thank you again to all my readers. You guys are the best.

If you're bored you haven't gotten your daily fill of Not Blessed Mama yet, go check me out at In The Powder Room. I'm talkin' bout co-sleeping. 


  1. Waaaaaaah! I didn't win. :'0(

    Over it. :0)

    Cute sheep. Fantastic co-sleepin' article. ;0)

  2. sorry Kidlit, you were so close!
    And thank you for your support. <3

  3. Yay! I'm so excited! This is the first time I've ever won anything online, and I must say - I'm especially glad it was from NBM. I shall always remember this day fondly...

    I love the picture - something tells me my children will be doing this one day soon. Thanks for the warning. :)

  4. Love Shaun the Sheep! He makes an adorable farm animal by the way ;)


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