
April 12, 2011

Gone Fishin'

As you may have noticed, we have a few birthdays going on. We have one big party for the Spawn every April, and I'm preparing for it right now- well, trying. It is becoming readily apparent that if I cleaned more than once a year, the task wouldn't be so daunting.
Therefore, Not Blessed Mama will be on hiatus this week as she scrubs and cooks and cleans and is generally just miserable. I will miss all my mama friends dearly and look forward to reconnecting with you next week, if I survive.

Spawn#3. In a tree.


  1. April is my families big birthday month too. Enjoy and eat cake and all that. See you soon.

  2. Good luck, my friend, good luck. Cleaning sucks. But at least cake and ice cream will make it all better :)

  3. Thank you, thank you, friends. I have just decided that from now on, I shall disappear and not show my face until May 1st. And if I see my shadow, I hide for 2 more weeks.

  4. We survived our birthday celebrations... barely. Why is it that everyone has fun but mama? Oh yeah, because we're running around like crazy women trying to make sure everyone else is having fun (and not killing each other).
    I've been quite AWOL for awhile, but I hope to be back full force next week, after all this family business dies down.
    Good luck with the party! See you in May!

  5. recent posts, hopefully you survived.


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