
March 28, 2011

My Baby's Birthday

Usually you will see bloggers post sentimental sweet thoughts on their children's birthday.
So sweet! And tiny! And non-verbal!

You know we could never be that normal over here at Not Blessed Mama.

Today is Spawn#3's birthday. My little guy is growing so fast!

And he's making me crazy. He is the most emotional, loud, stinky, obnoxious little 4 year old punk that I have ever met. He draws on the walls. He spills food constantly. He breaks stuff. He hits his siblings. He needs to do everything his way, on his time- or it's "I hate you mom!" and stomping down the hallway. He's quite advanced in the "I hate you" stage, so I suppose that's something to be proud of. Showing such initiative. The first word he could spell was a-s-s. I could go on and on.

Okay, okay, I love him to death. He's adorable. He has the face of an angel. He will constantly tell me that I am his best friend, and he's my best boy- or that he loves me (when he's not busy hating me, that is). He's utterly hilarious and makes everyone laugh. He has a great memory and loves quoting movies (one of his first movie quotes was The Fantastic Mr. Fox's "Are you referring to my wife?").

And he's my baby. Happy birthday, baby boy.


  1. Happy birthday little spawn. I don't like that "I hate you" stage but he does have some talent in spelling.

  2. Happy Birthday Spawn #3!

    Was a-s-s really the first word he spelled? That is awesome... but I'm sure that is from an outsider looking in.

  3. Yeah, it was really ass. LOL.
    Thanks ladies! he had a fun day, horseback riding and going to chuck e cheese.

  4. HA! I love it, ass was the first bad word my four year old ever said, and then he taught it to his brother, that was a fun week.
    Happy {belated} Birthday to your baby!!

  5. Omgosh! Already?!? Yup. 4 years. Wow. Happy birthday kiddo!!!!!

  6. I've got one of those myself. Only he's 8 now. He never tells me he hates me, but daddy gets that a lot. Not an hour ago we heard, "I don't want a dad like you." I don't remember what the first thing he could spell was, but I think it started with an F.


  7. He is adorable. I hope he has a great birthday!

    I miss the non verbal days sometimes...


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