
January 14, 2011

Happy Friday

Not Blessed Mama started out this week full of enthusiasm, ready to jump back into the blogging world. Monday went well...... then something horrible happened Tuesday, which sapped my desire for posting. I was devastated.  My laptop died a quick and painful death after Spawn#3 spilled water on it (and risked his life in the process). Fortunately a day or two in the rice bin saved my laptop! Talk about relief.  
But now Spawn#3 is sick, and I'm exhausted, so I'm still not posting. But I wanted to pop in and say hi, and have a lovely weekend!
Baked on lollipop=1 Not Blessed Mama=0
Well played, baked on lollipop. Well played. 


  1. Lolli is not only artsy, but tasty lookin' to boot. Well played indeed. Welcome back! ;0)

  2. .this better be cleaned by 5:00 pm......

  3. Just rest your head on your keyboard, tomorrow will be a better day.

  4. If you didn't get the lollipop off, I can come and lick it off for you. Yeah, I'm nice like that.

  5. It's baked onto a plate I left on the stove. What you see is what was left after I scraped off as much as possible. I then 1stuck it in the oven and pried the rest off with a butter knife, fully expecting to puncture a body part. But I didn't.
    I have the best readers. Thank you for your hilarious comments.
    Except for that anonymous troublemaker...


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