
October 4, 2010

Sharing the Love

Recently the very sweet (and adorable) Kat over at For Love Of My Oceans was gracious enough to bestow upon yours truly, Not Blessed Mama, her very first blog award. It is such an honor Kat, and thank you! 

I've got my floor length gown on now, and I'm giving a very moving speech- thanking "all the little people" who helped to make this happen! Actually, that kind of fits, doesn't it? 

Now I would like to share with you some of Not Blessed Mama's favorite blogs- and you know she has very discriminating taste! 

1000 Reasons I'm A Crap Mom The title says it all.
Chronicles of Twitch and Meathead Because she said "Meathead". 
Kidlit's Korner A good friend new to blogging.
Las Vegas Mama 'Cuz she's sassy.
Sunshine SAHM 'Cuz she likes to be real. 
the little things A sweet little blog. 
Airing My Dirty Laundry Because dirty laundry is a big part of my life. And she's funny. 
The Pioneer Woman More of an institution than a blog. Check out her recipes. 
Mommy Wants Vodka Aunt Becky cusses. As much as I'd like to. 
The Diary Of An Indy Grrrl I like to think I would have been like this 10+ years ago. If I was cool.

Ok, the idea here is to link 15 blogs you love and let them all know, to get the bloggy love flowing. Alas, not Blessed Mama is lazy. I mean tired. I mean lazy. That was a lot of work listing those 10! So I am going to leave it at that, and say thank you to all the cool bloggers I love to read, listed or not. 

P.S. When I went to Google Reader to get my blog links, I had 666 "new items" to read. WHAT DOES IT MEAN???


  1. Hey! I missed this the first time around... thanks so much!
    P.S. Do you have a button for me to spruce up my blog? I'd love to post a link to you for keepin' it real too!

  2. No prob. :)
    And i do not have a button yet. I am working on creating one and a "logo", but it is hard because i have absolutely no idea what i want!

  3. Thank you so much! : )


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